Friday, August 17, 2012

Upcoming watercolor class: Painting People Working

 Intermediate/advanced watercolor classes at ARThouse—Fall 2012:   “People Working”

      I will be teaching a watercolor course for adults at my studio, ARThouse, every other week from Sept. 18th through Nov. 7th.  This will be a five-session course on figure painting in watercolor.  There will be four sections at different time slots for each class, each covering the same material for that week.  We will focus on painting “people working”, not just sitting around!  These will be demonstration and critique classes only—we will not paint in class.  Instead, assignments will be given based upon the demonstration.  The classes will be two weeks apart, giving you time to work on the assignment at home and then bring it in for a group critique in the next class.

     At this writing, I'm afraid there are only two spaces left for the in-person course (they are both on Tuesday evening).  But read further -- we now have an online version of the course! 

The Retired Toolmaker  28x20" watercolor
by Susan Avis Murphy, AWS
       The demonstrations will be full, detailed demonstrations showing how a medium-large, complex painting might be done.  I might start a demonstration in one class and finish it during the next class that evening or the next day.  You will be encouraged to come up with your own reference material for your own painting at home, but I will have reference photos available also.  We will work in a variety of styles, from loose to tight to semi-abstract.  You will get some nice paintings out of this if you work hard.

Susan Murphy painting under demonstration mirror at ARThouse
      The course will be $150 for the five sessions.  The same material will be covered in each section of the class, and you can change between sections occasionally when necessary (send me an email).  There will be only 8 students in each class.  I will be writing a blog article following each set of classes, with step-by-step photos, a list of colors used, and a detailed explanation of the painting technique.  You will be able to sign up to receive these blog articles by email, and people find that they are very useful.  This time the blog will be private initially and available only to people who sign up for the course, as part of their tuition.  

Class of students at ARThouse
      Also we are introducing something new.  There will be an online version of the course for only $50!  If you are not able to attend in person, or the course is fully registered, you will be able to subscribe to the online version, which will be limited to 70 people.  The online course will be available either with or without individual critiques.  Here is what it will include:

Online Course version A:  Every two weeks, you will receive an assignment and many materials to help you complete the assignment.  You will receive this as an email link to the private version of the ARThouse Studio School blog.  The blog article will include about 10 step-by-step photos of that week's class demonstration, along with a very detailed description of the painting process to help you with your own painting.  We intend to occasionally include videos of these demonstrations.  Your online assignment will come by the Saturday after each session has been taught.   Limited to 50 people, with cost of $50.  Still have openings as of 8/17/12

Online Course version B with critique:  Includes everything in version A, plus five separate private critiques of your work.  You will email me an image of your painting, either partially finished or finished, and I will email back with a detailed critique of the work and suggestions for improvement or ideas for how to finish the work.  Instead of doing this by email, you can bring the painting over in person if you live nearby.  Limited to 20 people, with cost of $100.  Still have openings as of 8/17/12)

The schedule will be as follows:
Series of 6 classes (one every other week) during the following times:  (you sign up for one if taking the in-person class)
           Tuesday afternoons from 1 – 4 pm   (sorry—class filled)
           Tuesday evenings from 7 - 10 pm   (a few openings)
           Wednesday afternoons from 1 - 4 pm   (sorry--class filled)
           Wednesday evenings from 7 - 10 pm   (sorry--class filled)

The dates of the classes will be:
                Class 1:  Sept. 18 & 19
                Class 2:  October 2 & 3
                Class 3:  October 16 & 17
Class 4:  October 30 & 31
Class 5:  November 6 & 7

Registration this time is going to be on my website at, and will be available starting on August 13.  You can sign up by clicking one of the links below and paying with PayPal (you do not need a PayPal account).  I will not be accepting checks this time!   If you have any questions, please email, call, or visit me at the studio.

     Refund policy:  You must plan to attend at least 4/5 of the classes to be enrolled, and pay for all five classes.  If you miss one of your classes, you can come to one of the other sessions that week or any week.  Otherwise, there are no refunds, with a few exceptions such as medical problems.

Susan Murphy   8/17/12
Click link below to register for your class: